ek I had the opportunity to meet with MJ Swan from Adventure Canada and we looked into two of their amazing itineraries, we looked at Scotland Slowly and the Faroe Islands.
For those of you who don’t know who or what Adventure Canada is, they are a Canadian owned family company, they operate out of Canada — Betcha didn’t think that with the name lol — but they are an expedition cruise ship company. They sail to Scotland, Ireland, Shetland Islands and Antarctica and many more places. I will be meeting with them in November to go over their brand and do a look at what they offer then, but for this video and post, we are going to do a deep look at two of their itineraries.
I am going to put the video here, then discuss it below with the highlights and the slides so you can see them better and learn all about these amazing areas!
Destination Dreaming #6 An In depth look at Adventure Canada’s Scotland Slowly Itinerary