Anyone who knows me knows I love to be organized, and they know that I enjoy packing early for vacations. It might be because I enjoy travelling to sunny destinations in the winter, so living in Southern Ontario, I don’t need my shorts, sleeveless tops or even my sundresses so, I might as well pack them! Or it might be because I just love travelling. That was one of the reasons I am a Travel Agent, so I can live through you, my clients when you go away. I get very excited when you vacation as well!
One trick I have come to love is using Packing Cubes in my luggage! What is a packing cube you might ask?
Well, let me share!
They are a fabulous way to keep your clothing organized. They come in many different colours, patterns, and even styles.

So you can buy them for your family and everyone gets their own color or pattern. It helps visually to keep everyone’s items separate.
remember my top tip for packing
Put 2 outfits in your travel companions bag, so that if one bag gets lost then you have something to wear besides the heavy winter clothing that you flew down south in.
The other benefit to packing cubes is that if you are going to 2 destinations, like say, for example, Disney and then driving down the Florida coast for a cruise. You can put your Disney clothing in a red packing cube and you cruise in a blue one. That way you don’t have to unpack and sort through all the clothing to get to the ones you want for that day.
I could go on and on with why I enjoy packing cubes so much, BUT I want you to learn to love them so I doing a GIVEAWAY!!
I made a video that shows you how to pack with them, I am going to put it in this blog post, and then post this on my Facebook page
So, all you have to do is 3 simple steps
1. Like my Facebook page
2. Comment where you want to go with your new packing cubes,
3. Share this post. In just over weeks’ time (I will pick my daughter’s birthday) November 5 2018.
I will do a draw and send YOU your very own set of 3 packing cubes in eggplant.
These could be yours….

While this contest is over, you can still watch the video below and learn how to correctly use the packing cubes.

This contest was not just for Canadians – you can live anywhere to receive your own free set of slim eBags packing cubes. Here is my video that shows how to pack with them. Please be nice, it is my first video, I am not comfortable with the camera 😉
Way too many umms in there ha ha ha
Remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you get a notification that we have posted a new video.
So, the rules are simple. Comment on the Facebook post where you want to take your new packing cubes to, share this post, and like my Facebook page. I hope you win, but if you don’t and you want to get your own set of eBags packing cubes here are some to check it out!

Here is a four-piece set, I use the small top one for my small jewellery; earrings, bracelets and matching necklaces.

Finally here is a Three piece large set, this is not the slim set, but a rectangle.

As you can see, there are many many colors to choose from, and lots of patterns too! Good luck everyone!!